Behind the Scenes of 12 Angry Men - Part 1

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

One of the set drawings for 12 Angry Men.  Where it all begins.
From the drawings the team begins to build the set at our workshop on Orenda Road.
Meanwhile, in the rehearsal room, the first read through of 12 Angry Men has begun.
Juror #8, played by Scott Carmichael, argues his point.
Here the artistic team sits in the position of the future audience with a critical eye on the cast.
The audience is left to judge the innocence of the man on trial based on their interpretation of the evidence. What will your vote be?
The artistic team are all smiles after the completion of a successful first day.

12 Angry Men opens July 5 in Studio Two. Stick around after the show on opening night for light refreshments and meet-and-greet with the cast and crew.

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