Read through of Doubt
Wednesday, October 09, 2013
Sitting quietly on the fringes of the first read through of Doubt, A Parable I cannot help but take in the first
day of school atmosphere that permeates the rehearsal space. Friends old and new catch up on the summer’s
adventures, hug warmly and shake hands.
There is a feeling of giddy excitement and
trepidation as the actors compare notes seeing who did their homework
(highlighting their own lines in the script), and who had their lines memorized
already. The teacher’s pet with the immaculate
script and lines by heart is soon singled out for some friendly teasing and the
class clown has taken center “stage” with jokes that has the whole cast
No first day of school would be complete without a costume parade. In elementary school the girls are showing off their brand new jeans and crisp white sneakers. On our first day of Doubt bonnets and sensible loafers are on display, but the girlish grins and feminine flaunts that always come with dress up are there just the same.
Stay tuned to the blog as we delve into all the action behind the scenes of Doubt, running at the Rose Theatre Brampton October 16-20, 2013. Click here for more info and tickets.
I am thoroughly enjoying working on this show. I hope people come out and see all the hard work these fine actors have been doing.