Remember the Music? Plain and Simple...

Thursday, April 05, 2012

Ever heard of a concert that has no lighting cues, flashy dancers or interaction with the audience? Well, I didn't either until I found out about Classic Albums Live. Founded by Craig Martin, 50, this concert phenomenon recreates, to a tee, the most famous rock/pop albums of the century. What an amazing concept! Take away all the flash, the lip syncing, the dancers, the propaganda, and what are you left with? The music, plain and simple. That is what some artists forget about these days I find, the music. They rely whole-heartedly on the commercialism of the industry and their own self-promotion, often forgetting the reason that they began performing in the first place. "We're going to stand there and play and recite the album perfectly," explains Craig Martin in this month's Odeum. "We won't be talking to the audience. We won't be wearing costumes. It'll be the most boring show of the year, and yet, somehow, people will enjoy themselves immensely and it will strike a sublime chord with the audience and they'll go, 'This is one of the best shows I've ever seen'." To read more about Classic Albums Live, see the full article in the April-May edition of Odeum Magazine.

Entry by
Adam Scott
Marketing Assistant, Rose Theatre Brampton

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