Like Having Coffee With the Girls

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Girls’ night out has become a popular catch phrase in recent years. Whether you take the phrase as marketing jargon or a fantastic overdue reminder to call your friends out to play, science shows that the bonds we share with our female friends play an important role in our happiness.

“As a species, we are designed to live in small, stable, close-knit tribes or communities. In modern Western cultures, since the industrial revolution, there has been a significant rise in social isolation - in the fragmentation of traditional communities and kinship networks. More of us are living alone, often in big cities, working long hours and experiencing a profound sense of alienation and insecurity. But the need for social bonding, the 'tribal' instinct, is a deep-rooted part of human nature, hard-wired into the human brain by our evolutionary heritage.” (excerpt from the Social Issues Research Centre article Girl Talk)

Communicating, laughing, growing stronger with each other is a form of resistance. Our girlfriends fill the emotional gaps in our marriage and provide us with unconditional love. They know our friends and family well enough to understand our complaints and stories but have enough distance to offer objective advice. They are the ones who have struggled with family, children, hormones, work and life through the same lens you have. 

The cast of Women Fully Clothed
In this busy hectic life, friends can sometimes end up at the bottom of our priority list, but today we are here to remind you about the replenishing power of girls night out and encourage you to call on your gal pals to join you at the Rose Theatre’s presentation of Women Fully Clothed on September 27.  Back by popular demand after last year’s sold out show these four hilarious women are here to make you howl with laughter! Ever so clever, this is a comedy of shared guilt and laughter. They take everyday life, add a dash of hilarity, and put it on stage for an unparalleled evening of fun. From mother/daughter relationships, cross border shopping, board room banter to craft shows, these women continually wow audiences across North America. Bring your friends for a night out that’s guaranteed to make you laugh ‘til you cry.  You’ll leave feeling empowered, strong and reassured that this time of life can be wild, wonderful, and a whole lot of fun - especially when you can laugh about it together!  Tickets are limited but still available. Click here now for more details and to join in the fun.

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