The Ukranian Dictionary of Dance

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Acrobatic Agility. Ballet. Contemporary. Drama. Exuberance. Flexibility. If you'd like to know how Shumka at 50 explores the “Dictionary of the Ukranian Dance Lexicon”, Feb Odeum Magazine provides a thorough explanation. In Jon Eben Field's article, you'll also discover some interesting historical facts on Ukranian immigration to Canada and how their amazing dance style has become an integral part of Canada’s heritage.

But if  you want to see it with your own eyes, the opportunity is tomorrow when the Shumka Dancers from Edmonton come to the Rose Theatre.  Featuring 50 virtuosic dancers and 50 years of history. Yes, they celebrate 50 years of passionate Ukrainian heritage! Come and be part of this milestone celebration.

Read Jon Eben Field's full article on Shumka at 50 here

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